신기영 교수/ Professor Ki Young Shin
직위 ㅣ Position
일본 오차노미즈 여자대학 대학원 인간문화창성과학연구과 부교수 (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Japan) 연구분야 ㅣ Research Area 젠더와 정치 (Gender and Politics) 한국과 일본 연구 (Korea and Japan Studies) 사회운동 비교연구 (Comparative Social Movements) 페미니스트 이론 (Feminist Theories) 전자우편 ㅣ Email [email protected] 학력 ㅣ Education 서울대학교, 정치학 학사 (B.A. in Political Science, Seoul National University) 서울대학교, 정치학 석사 (M.A. in Political Science, Seoul National University) 워싱턴 대학교, 정치학 박사 (Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Washington, Seattle) 경력 ㅣ Career 2014 - 현재 서울대학교 일본연구소 일본비평 해외편집위원 2008 - 현재 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ochanomizu University 2011 - 2014 Program Chair, Graduate Course of Development and Gender, Ochanomizu University (2011-2014) 2010 - 2011 United Nations Development Program Asia-Pacific Genderand Macroeconomics Training Course Advisory Committee Member 2010, 2011 Visiting Professor, Ewha Women’s University, Asian Center for Women’s Research 2007 - 2008 서울대학교 일본연구소 객원연구원 2005 - 2007 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2005-2007) 관련 연구 ㅣ Related Research 2015. “Mixed Effects of Legislative Quotas in South Korea,” Politics &Gender, Vol. 11 No.1 March pp. 186-195(with JisoYoon) 2015. “Governance,” Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory edited by Mary Hawkesworth andLisa Jane Disch, Oxford University Press, 304-325 (Online Publication Date: 15thSep 2015 DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199328581.013.16) 2015. “Women's Mobilizations for PoliticalRepresentation in Patriarchal States: Models from Japan and South Korea,” Gender and Power: Towards Equality and DemocraticGovernance, Mary Hawkesworth and Mino Vianello eds. McMillan Palgrave, pp. 344-365 (In Print). 2015. “Gender Quota and Candidate Selection Processes in South Korean PoliticalParties,” PacificAffairs: An International Review of Asia and the Pacific. (forthcoming 2016) 2015. 「特集諸言『ジェンダー主流化』の理論と実践」(GenderMainstreaming: Theory and Practices)『ジェンダー研究』第18号、1-6頁 2015. 「トランスナショナル公共圏と市民連帯」杉田孝夫編著、おうふう政治ライブラリー『市民社会論』8章 頁(近刊) 2014. "Women’s SustainableRepresentation and the Spillover Effect of Electoral Gender Quotas inSouth Korea,” International PoliticalScience Review, Vol.35, No.1 pp. 80-92 (special issue) DOI: 10.1177/0192512113508146 2014. 「韓国:女性候補者クオータ制度の成立過程と成果」三浦まり、衛藤幹子 共編『ジェンダー・クオータ:世界の女性議員はなぜ増えたのか』明石書店、145-173頁. http://www.akashi.co.jp/book/b166345.html,ISBN 978-4-7503-3974-0 2013. 「ジェンダー政策の形成過程―—理論的考察と韓国の事例」『国際ジェンダー学会誌:Japanese Journal of International Society forGender Studies』11号、35-57頁 (invited, special issue), ISSN 1348-7337 2013. 「마이너리티 이론의 탐색: 비본질적・포괄적연구를 위하여」『일본비평: Korean Journal of JapaneseStudies』상반기, 제8호, pp.22-51 (invited, special issue) 2012. 「커뮤니케이션, 초국가적 공론장, 그리고 초국가적 연대: 일본군위안부 문제해결을 위한 아시아연대를 중심으로」『세계정치』18호(가을, 겨울호),pp. 263-308. ISBN 978-89-6435-667-8 2012. 「政権交代と社会運動をめぐるイシュー・アテンション――民主党政権前後を事例として――」茨城大学人文学部紀要『人文コミュニケーション学科論集』第13号、131-162頁 (co-authored with Shun Harada et al.) |